About the project

Project “Research on the national cultural heritage of the Polish community in the US and the creation of digital memory collections” (No. NdS/545613/2022/2022) is implemented in 2022-2024 by the ECCC Foundation as part of the program of the Minister of Education and Science: “Science for Society“, area: “Humanities-Society-Identity“.

The aim of the project is to acquire and preserve in the digital space the cultural heritage of the Polish community in the US (including those threatened with extinction due to demographic reasons) and its popularization. The project envisages the implementation of scientific expeditions to the USA in order to 3D scan at least 15 churches built by the Polish community abroad, as well as the organization of three photographic exhibitions, the development and maintenance of an internet portal with the results of the work (including digital memory collections and historical data on objects) and the development and the publication of two scientific monographs (one in each of the areas of computer science and humanities).

Project team is formed by ECCC Foundation experts and two scientific teams: first IT specialists from the Lublin University of Technology (Department of Computer Science, Lab3D Laboratory), and the second historians from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Centre for Research on Polish Diaspora and Chaplaincy Polonia).